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last april fools day i made otasune stereotypical yaoi and i feel like it rlly fits this

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Adam that’s an extremely important topic especially with all the pre-existing stereotypes and norm about how men should act and feel!

We would love to have you in the fam as Mental Wellness & Health is our core mission. It applies to everyone and not specific genders!

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{stereoscopic view},

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I changed it so it isnt so sad, she do be hungry tho BUT I LOVE THE OLD STYLEEE, the stupid blonde stereotype love it.

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2. Ludicolo
Hank is a big fan of racist Mexican stereotypes (see season 2) and also he just kinda fits the bubbly over the top nature of Ludicolo too. Not to imply Ludicolo is necessarily racist but it is certainly based on a stereotype.

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You got any stereotypes that seem to apply to pretty much everyone with your fursonas species, but not you? For an example, it seems like ALL lion furries are male, with a full mane, and either dad-bod, or SUPER muscly- Then we have.. Noodle. Who is just a little guy.

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Princess Tutu really breaking gender stereotypes, srsly an amazing show 🩰

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Les reto a REDISEÑAR este chamaco miado sin que se vea como un estereotipo de mirad "Demonio-Angel 😈🤙" de 2019

No tiene un outfit o estilo específico tons es a su gusto

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Y si bien, algunxs comentan que esta práctica suele ser común dentro de los estudios de animación, al tener una tipología de estereotipos para diversos personajes, es interesante que el fenómeno este abriendo esta discusión. ✨

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Seems you’ve been liking the MJ explorations lately. I wanted to do something more technical that isn’t about art or using AI for a piece. But to show other use cases and how to take it deeper. What result should I try to do in stereo? https://t.co/XdLQ73PRzi

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Te diré que hasta la fecha mucha gente que incluso ni es del fandom siguen estereotipando a Shun.

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Muita gente nova me seguindo então resolvi fazer um post pra me apresentar melhor.

Eu me chamo Stereo Anami mas você pode me chamar como quiser. Eu faço umas artes estranhas e gosto de brincar com cores mas minha cor favorita é preto. Aqui estão minhas artes favoritas.🌙

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Elevator pitch: A Clone High-esque comedy series where Star Trek counter-stereotypes find self-worth and a sense of belonging as they foil a plot against their new home - Starfleet Academy.

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Another cool exploration. Took the result from MJ and used Bigjpg to upres. Not the best results on the scaling. But nicer to view in 360. Diving into stereo this weekend on one of these I’ve been sharing.

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Where are these cartoon criminals shopping? Is there a thief outfit store?

Follow for more cartoons!

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Perdón por caer en estereotipos pero Japatonic se tiene la misma vibra que esta imagen.
No se me hace común ver un japonés diciendo "la puta madre" (acento argentino ™)
Solo he visto un par de videos pero ya lo amo

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YO! Eu sou o Stereo Anami e eu sou um artista estranho que faz arte estranha.
Aqui estão alguns dos meus trabalhos favoritos e aqui está minha arte mais recente > https://t.co/Uwava7qWzD

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If there's anything I've learned in my journey, it's to not let stereotypes or other expectations define what you can or can't be. If you're interested in learning something, it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, you can do it.

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