riggy just chillin out toking his big bong with his big paws wrapped around the bottom. would u toke or chill with him? X3 wonderful art by

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cw weed//

finished traditional piece of my boy Smith. gonna turn this into a badge! i love how it turned out~

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Establece acuerdos en sobriedad sobre el uso de sustancias en tus erotismos. Infórmate sobre un consumo con enfoque de reducción de riesgos, respeta tus límites y los de lxs demás y disfruta la experiencia. 😘💚

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I got art of Celeste being the stoner she is and I'm in love it's so beautiful! Tysm to and what a fast turnaround time!!! ❤❤❤❤ https://t.co/oXgPoA7DeR

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