While Berserk and Kentaro Miura not rly influenced me as an artist, he rly influenced many illustrators,storywriters and games or pop culture in general

May he rest in peace

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The Dolly Sisters were Hungarian-American dancers, singers and actresses, popular in the 1910s and 20s. Colourised by https://t.co/AKNis5kvdz (隧道微风)

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Heading to the Rover's Return for a millk stout. Early days of Coronation Street. Colourised by https://t.co/AKNis5kvdz (隧道微风)

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Holmes and Watson discuss the case. A book illustration from "Silver Blaze" 1892, the story of a missing racehorse. Colourised by https://t.co/AKNis5kvdz (隧道微风) (着色)

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The Dolly Sisters were Hungarian-American dancers, singers and actresses, popular in the 1910s and 20s. Colourised by https://t.co/AKNis52TOZ (隧道微风)

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Heading to the Rover's Return for a millk stout. Early days of Coronation Street. Colourised by https://t.co/AKNis5kvdz (隧道微风)

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I am in love with that new evil lady! 😍💕
A new evil person in town, more evil than Tira.

We have the perfect storywriters in SOULCALIBUR.💫
Thank you very much to this continued story, and for this cool villain.

Now I’m praying we get her in S3😍

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