//=time() ?>
“[…] la mia operazione è stata più volte una sottrazione di peso; […] soprattutto ho cercato di togliere peso alla struttura del racconto e al linguaggio.”
—Italo Calvino,Lezioni Americane’
#IlPesoDelleParole a #SalaLettura @Alberto63Al
@Tittipic @lagatta4739 @giuseppenotarn1
I be feeling like a boss when I strut down the block with my hair done and my nails did, y'all ain't ready for me
Hood night 🫶🏻💜
Tontringo has evolved in Flantrum, the Haute Pokemon!
“Flantrum strut around waving their feathery tails, a sign of social standing. The fluffier the tail the more influential the Flantrum. They become irritated when other Pokémon don’t give their tail the respect it deserves.” https://t.co/TXhPpODLf6
Rat in Cowboy Hat Jaunty Walk commission. That's the Milt Kahl strut we all know and love. Milt animated Pinnochio yet developed the least wooden walks.
#ハツェゴプテリクス #Hatzegopteryx
#ストルティオサウルス #Struthiosaurus
#テルマトサウルス #Telmatosaurus
#ザルモクセス #Zalmoxes
#バラウル #Balaur
#アロダポスクス #Allodaposuchus
Illustrazione della Cronaca di Norimberga che raffigura la struttura del Sacro Romano Impero: l'imperatore siede in mezzo, alla sua destra vi sono tre ecclesiastici, alla sua sinistra quattro elettori secolari.
l'episodio di ieri di buddy daddies mi ha distrutta emotivamente... they're so precious to me
Tô treinando desenhar cenários e ambientes com essa estética aqui, por favor façam críticas construtivas pois eu quero melhorar só não sei bem como ainda
@HitTheR0ad Oi oi sou Colin :D, estou começando agr a fazer commissions (caso esteja interessado minha loja ta na bio) >Aceito criticas construtivas<
@ShadowyGhost_ Oi eu sou o Colin :D, estou começando a fazer commissions (caso esteja interessado perfil da minha loja ta na bio). >Aceito criticas construtivas<
Tryna animate my Rebelle paintings.
It's a little hard, I can't get the colors right when I export to psd. And my reliance on transparent layers shoeing the canvas color makes some parts overlap strangely.
Technical crap aside, he STRUT!
Notes for 3rd chapter of #arestlesstruth and I’m so confused about violet’s design(on cover/in chapter) but I hope she just has different dresses
Still shocked that my teacher allowed to use this book for the project but okay thx anyways
beware poisonous plants.
some saucy dryads at a flower show strutting their stuff.