Subz for
ty for the trade~

(pls untag when replying)

36 175

He did one maid dress stream and that’s my only subz design I got since then😭

0 12

I added Subz and edited Clown and Woogies design :D I’m getting the stuff to actually make the stickers tomorrow (:

1 25

subz posting like my life depends on it (cuts the green wire) oh thank go

9 56

(gently places farmer subz image on the ground) (passes out)

9 51

9 hour hostage situation in vc, forced to watch dhar mann videos and listen to rasplin music. but we aggie'd so its okay. heres my corner ft. felt's commentary ghost and kish subz

3 34

liveblogging the whole subz end fight with the buddies made me understand why sports fans are like that. anyways

32 136

Subz during that entire End fight decided that the Void was not nearly as big of a problem as everyone made it out to be. Simply enderpearl clutch. Get good, scrubs.

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Subz has a pet 🥹

19 101

Don't forget I have a YooToobz, and my first highlight video was posted recently!! I'd really luff to reach 100 subz so I can get a custom URL weeeee~ 🐻
If you do it my booba will be happy! You don't want to make my booba sad right?

4 49

headcanon: as Subz was getting slowly corrupted, he ran away from home and nearly died in the cold. He ended up being rescued by Vitalasy, and now they form our lovely PurpleDuo :)

idk just brainrotting while i try to replace apple pencil lol

1 18

Hi subz! I am!! Dmed 💌💌⤵️

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Vitalasy and Subz fanart:
Inspired by Vitalasy’s video:
Walking on Air in Survival Minecraft
I haven’t done digital art in awhile :)


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My birthday gift to and :D 🎂🎉
Ye subz is a dragon now

3 11

Happy birth Subz! Jepex is next-

2 13

Idk how to explain this one, AU things? Subz' corruption comes from wither flowers.

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Another tournament-pic-commission from and tje 0SubZ-Clan

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Thanks 4 amazing stream today! Subz: Jess_Face, TopGunLogan, WhiteChocobo gift sub to Nnaffets, PaulKBisson & gift to Cardamen, PixelationLoss. Follows: Glamiwi, Zoupdaddy, SalsaRey, PancakeFromHell, juliane_jpg, Wildforest__, ShMoKaLoCa420. Raid: TheDough_Nut. 20min Cabin mode!

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