Get a jump on finances for your creative biz with this affordable ed session on Jan. 29 co-hosted by and .

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"Charcoal in Nylon Bags" by Hope Hickman took 2nd place in FRESH 2020 Art show at on E Market. Open today, 12-5. Free. SA Board Pres John Fitzpatrick with Hope. . Gallery hrs: Art talk Feb. 6:

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"Transmorphoplasmation" by Andy Tubbesing took 1st place in FRESH 2020 Art show at on E Market. Open today, 12-5. Free. SA Board Pres John Fitzpatrick and Andy. . Gallery hrs: Art talk Feb. 6:

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Start 2020 by heading to Jan. 4 w trolley stops at E Market (organizer), , Northside Cellar, Sweet Modern and including Bluff Blue Door Gallery, , Gallery C! Opening night Creative Recovery art.

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Honorable mentions for Kaleidoscope Show til 12/21 at Judith Gaiser, "Border Fear;" Linda Mertus, "Nevermore;" Carol Klingel, "Nowhere to Hide;" Amber McElreath, "Weepy Tea. Closed Thanksgiving, open next Nov. 29 & 30. Exhibit information:

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2nd place in Kaleidoscope Art Show at on E Market went to Sharon Frank Mazgaj for "Heirloom Tomatoes." Show open today, 12-5p. Free. Kaleidoscope Artist Discussion Dec. 19. Reserve a seat: Exhibit hrs:

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Last weekend to see Kristin Bennett Keller's "Angel of the Odd" and a gallery full of unique unearthly works at on East Market in Poe's Garden. Open today, 12-7, Saturday, 12-5. Free admission. See all of our events and exhibits at

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Writers talking. About writing. Scary poems. Channeling Poe. Buried secrets. Tell-tale heart. So why? Find out. Writers' discussion. Thurs, Nov. 7. Reserve seats. "Pluto" by Emily Butcher in gallery for Poe's Garden show.

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Honorable mention in Poe's Garden literary competition at on East Market went to Patrick Worden of for "A Last Embrace." With judge, UA assoc prof, Heather Braun. Free. Find all our exhibit and event information at

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Honorable mentions in Poe's Garden art show at open til Nov. 9. "Last Kiss" by Constance Laessig, "Inky Cap Mushroom" by Meaghan Jodoin Herbert, "Life is a Beach" by Joshua Fitzgerald. Free. Find exhibit and event information at

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3rd place in Poe's Garden show was awarded to Theresa Göttl Brightman for "Red Sky at Night." Here she is with judge/UA assoc prof, Heather Braun, right. Show runs until Nov. 9. Find all our exhibit, event information at

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Iconic Poe poem, "The Raven." Here is your raven, "Nevermore," a wood carving by Tom Baldwin, 3rd place in Poe's Garden show. Show runs til Nov. 9. Find all our exhibit and event information at

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2nd place for Poe's Garden at annual literary competition went to Aaron Jones Literary submissions displayed along with visual art. Free. Find all our exhibit and event information at

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Artist/RN Emily Butcher working from a photo to paint this eerie glimpse of horror for Poe's Garden at til Nov. 9. " Catacombs” earned 2nd place from juror Christina Martin, right. Free. Find all our exhibit and event information at

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The very first first place for Poe's Garden annual literary competition at is awarded to Vladimir Suchan of former Czech diplomat and political science professor. Find all our exhibit and event information at

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"Ed Allan Poe" was quite stoney-faced at opening of Poe's Garden Congratulations to creator Ron White of artist and teacher. White is here with juror, artist Christina Turner. Open weekly til Nov. 9: Thur, Fri, 12-7; Sat, 12-5p.

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LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER!! Monotypes art class. . . creative, magical and fun! workshop with Joan Colbert,
Oct 18, 1-3:30. Monotype is a painterly print from a unique surface. Series presented by Artists of Rubber City with

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