has any other ever had such long hair? The 1st man sub 3:50 for the Mile John Walker

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celebrating 1st man under 3:50 for Mile Mighty John Walker

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celebrating the 1st under 3:50 for the Mile John Walker

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tweeting John Walker's name is hidden in the last spread of "The Murder Mile"

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tweeting John Walker first man under 3:50 for the Mile

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Tweeting the first man under 3:50 for the Mile John Walker

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celebrating Michael Jazy 3:53.6 World Rec Mile 1960s style!

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Tweeting daily Herb Elliott ran the Mile into the modern era

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Tweeting Herb Elliott 3:54.5 2nd Australian World rec Miler

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tweeting my first coach Brian Hall used to race Derek Ibbotson 3:57.2 Mile Rec

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todays tweet Derek Ibbotson 3:57.2 Mile rec & Olympic 5kms Bronze

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