🔥New on 7/5🔥
His High Heels at Midnight (1)
by Haruo Suso

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A photographer with a thing for feet and a cross-dressing single father fumble their way through sweet love.😏😎

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"Thank you, Molly Peskin-Suso. Thank you for (...) validating that Jewish teens deserve to have unrequited crushes, to fight with their siblings, to make mistakes, to fall in love, to have a happily ever after, to exist."

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continues on Pop! Goes The Reader today as I welcome 2020 debut author, , to the blog as she shares a touching, heartfelt post about Jewish identity, visibility and validation, and 's Molly Peskin-Suso!

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Cengiz Under, Roma 2018-19.

Really strong creative passing numbers.

The shot map is like Suso without all the goals.

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"Volgiti indietro e tien lo viso chiuso: che se il Gorgon si mostra, e tu il vedessi, nulla sarebbe del tornar mai suso"

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SHISEIDO THE GINZAよりセレクトグッズを紹介します☆ 週末銀座へブラっとされる方、粋なプレゼントをお探しの方、是非に。帽子作家SUSO AKIKOのファーフェルト帽、ボルドー色のモザイクがOne&Onlyなたたずまい。

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