Ectoplasm Featuring Megatay
Technically, Banedrogon could call an ectoplasm dragon!

He love sapping life force from a character with lots of stored energy. Make them haunted with sticky sensation after drained.

6 33

Since it's Halloween and also symbiote month i decided to draw my boyo: Abyssal Hunter (shout-out to Socially Awkward server for the help) or Abyss for short!
He's here to take all the treats and then trick you! Very proud of this one :3

2 6

Bonded to a character III <Featuring >

He wanna turn Shirogi for upcoming Halloween. Mmm...looks like it's easy task to be grant.

Relax a while, the transformation won't take long. Then have fun!

3 21

They're very few symbiote robot I know. And several of them are from Megaman.
But usually when robot cross with goo stuffs, they made to be deadly than for fun🧐

2 14

Toy <Featuring and >
Beware of symbiote infiltrate into your ears. They can take control of your brainnnns at will.

Oh, but they both know each other, Bun is Uva's plaything anyways. So no harm done and just the fun here.

12 59

Time to continue the ticks...If I'd hidden symbiote goo somewhere? I'm sure choose a hoodie!

It's been countless number of friends got TFed this way so far...Hehehe...

4 23

A mocking goo
struggling while a slime is acting like a symbiote. At least both their dicks stick out of their mouth as Zur tries to overtake Tar, but will he succeed?
Art by

35 117

Bond to a character II <with >
Access denied?!

But host seems happy with it anyways.

What if symbiote clash with dark magic...? At least...I know the bond is best not be redundant established.
Look at that warning light...*beep*

7 34

Mmm....I kinda...carry away too much here ~ v ~

*a bit of squirm and let the coating squeeze tighter*

Randomly feature and

15 67

Halloween Costume
A skip here. Since...I already make it this year xD
So here goes compilation instead.
"Mukbulba hoodie" <Old Gift>
"Corruptive White Goo" <Last year>
"Mukbulbabenz" <This year>

6 30


Literally other fandom too...? Hahahaha.

7 33

Featuring master Come with variant just for funn💙

Just a mask make it spreading a bit too slow, so master amplify it up a bit.

Uh, yeah, he's my real master, while Shirogi's a mind master x3

10 45

Day 10
Cyrras and Sushi the shark symbiote

2 9

Bonding with a character I

That was first intense bonding I can recall of...First time always hit >//<"

And sure...the bonding happens myriad times.

38 230

With their host
Yup. The boy is me.

He was hidden inside me. Until one day my gooey will feed him strong enough. He manifest...overwhelm me...the submit result me Bulba body.

And since that day...even I'm his host, he's my master afterall.

13 37

Without their host
Some might know Shirogi's origin. But here go his 'original manifestion' form |3

Who's the host? Some may know full well.

It was happened a long time ago...inside a boy mind~

11 48

Storm of blood born from bloo-----ohnoes maybe I make him(?) kinda too badass. I just don't know how to apply those red-black effects.

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