Colui che aspetta molto può aspettarsi poco.”

7 11


Voce del verbo

AspettarSi.. 🍬🧚🏻


5 32

C’è qualcosa di molto sottile e profondo
nel voltarsi a guardare la strada percorsa…
La strada dove, senza lasciare traccia,
è rimasta la vita intera.

Dulce Maria Loynaz

🎨 Francis Picabia

10 39

The auction for Tarsier Paladin has begun!

Reserve Price: 10 SOL
Time Remaining: 24 Hours

Please comment “tarsier” below to show your unwavering support for the tarsier cause.

Auction info below 👇

29 76

The Auction for the Tarsier Paladin kicks off in 3 hours - stay tuned!

2 19

Good morning to all five of you left on Twitter - I’m happy to inform you that the Tarsier Paladin will be dropping soon!

2 43

The next tarsier 🥵🙏

5 41

Husband: "im, looking at bluey characters and one looks like you!"
Me: oh? who?
him: sends cute pic he drew of starsies

1 7


Ci sono momenti in cui tutto va per il verso giusto. Non occorre spaventarsi. Non dureranno.

Jules Renard

🖌️Daniel F. Gerhartz

11 38

Something Epic, Starsigns et The Savage Strength of Starstorm, trois nouvelles séries en mai 2023 |

0 6

The auction for the Tarsier Frost Mage has begun!

Reserve Price: 10 SOL
Remaining Time: 24 Hours

A conjurer of the cold front, clad in the highest class of garb, the Tarsier Frost Mage is said to add +12 cold resistance to all members of his party.

Info Below!

181 223

Love your pets extra hard today 😺#LoveYourPetDay

14 48

Shout out to who made a whole starsign system for our world!

Reignn falls under The Magician ✨

0 6

Cercarsi per salutarsi
Per scambiare due chiacchiere
Per ridere insieme per cavolate
Per augurarsi una serena serata col sorriso,
Col pensiero di sentirci vicini
Perché anche un pensiero fa tanto per chi c'è ☺️🙏

14 96

Q5 I have a TON of maps for my various planets! I already posted Aloutia's map, so here we have the Pentagonal Dominion map with locations labeled for MoLaB, a village map of Steena Village, then maps of Starsine, and the Makai.

4 13

Auction Update for Tarsier Reaper!

Current Bid: 20 SOL (via legendary )
Remaining Time: 8 Hours

If small, hooded, macabre creatures are your thing, then head on down to Exchange Art and throw down a bid! Info below:

3 15