He may be loud, but he is damn proud of his accomplishments. Originally a dark lord, Gyumao now serves as one of Tokyo's most respected CEOs who has the physical and mental well-being of his employees high on his priority list.

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As exuberant as his choice of attire, while Lucifuge and his homunculi are capable to spread devastating diseases, if not necessary he chooses not.

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Many consider him a coward, unfit to be a bodyguard, even so Xolotl continues his job in hope that one day he'll become even a fraction as brave as those he look up to.

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Beauty, money or attitude: It's hard to tell which Hakumen has the most of as the foxy diva has many tricks up her sleeves from years of experience. Needless to say, there are few things in life that is out of her reach.

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Life dealt Jugo a nasty hand of cards as he bears the curse that marks him as a sacrifice to Yamata no Orochi, but through hard training, mental and physical, he has been able to keep it at bay. For now.

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Highly respected by his peers, Arsalan has plenty of experiences under his belt. Once a ruler, yet still strong, he uses his wisdom and strength to help guide the new generation to a future both he and them can be proud of.

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Considering himself a tool to be used, Zabaniyya has trained long and hard to be able to uphold the divine laws and punish those who sins. Reflecting on his actions as a torturer, he often sees himself as the greatest sinner of all.

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Once Hekate lays her eyes on some promising chemistry between two people her imagination goes into high drive as she channels that inspiration into spicy works of art. Whether or not the people involved agrees or not is another thing.

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To die in battle alongside his master is the rather morbid life goal of Tetsuox and even though he often find it hard to read the room, often opting for a very blunt approach, when he knows what to do, he's one hell of a determined guy.

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Once made to live alone in a dark labyrinth, now Asterius chooses to live alone in the mountains. Partially due to his very timid nature and partially to protect everyone from the uncontrollable rage that is deeply buried within him.

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People have lots of positive opinions on Ebisu, constantly praising him. This on the other hand leaves a feeling of constant pressure to live it to them, affecting his confidence and making it as unpredictable as the ocean.

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He calls himself the ruler of the desert, controller of storms. Though he tries to portray himself as a ruffian, the ones Seth sees as allies might see a much softer side, a side he'll try and make excuses for to keep his tough facade.

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There are plenty of fields upon which Hogen excels at, swordsmanship and strategy being two, yet his hankering for acts of perversion often overshadows them to many people. Even so, he will use his powers to uphold the law by any means.

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He may have thought he was destined to be slain by the hero, but the one who came found a different solution and gave Chernobog the chance to live a life beyond the mountain he was bound to, something he is ever grateful for.

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Big and rugged and backed up by his strength, Oniwaka has an intimidating aura to him, feeding into his reputation as a ruffian. But we all have our secrets that could change peoples' views, and he ain't no different.

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Much like his fellow pickup artist friend, Typhon may not be the most successful in his attempts to charm the current cutie trickling by, but that won't make him stagnate as there's always the next wave.

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Time wear you down and no one is more familiar with this concept than 2-B's home room teacher, Mr. Mononobe. Does it stop him from continuing to support his students, wishing them nothing but the best for their futures? Absolutely not.

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In a world eternally frozen, Horkeu Kamui found and raised many children into fine warriors. Externally he's as fierce as the cold of his home, yet internally his desire is to remain by the side of the one he wish to call Master.

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Once upon a time she was a highly renowned queen, now, Melusine serves as the loyal maid of the Tycoon's Guild Master, something she chose for herself, sworn to ever be by his side.

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Mask off, he's a regular, dandy bartender. Mask on, he's a crime fighter. Thunderbird will soar the skies of both the waking and dream world, a hero who fights to protect the less fortunate and always does so with a smile on his face.

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