边涂边回忆陈年旧糖,依旧齁甜齁甜 part2

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I see a lot of stupid drama those times around MC youtubers and I just want to stand against the hate and remind ... That they are loved and that we care for them so please spread love around not hate

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Model : YYB edited by me
Fan : Marcuen
Spider lily : 舞親P
Dahlia : いつものほんさん
Effect : TPOshader, POwerDof, Fallglass, cheaplens, ikclutdrama, o_SelfOverlay Camera Flash, o_Tonemap改変 TeaTime

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Survivabilty profiling should first begin inside the firehouse.
The data tells us that the majority of on-duty deaths occur off or away from the fireground.

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เปิดดูแม่ แม่กำลังมา แม่มาทำไม? แม่มาแก้แค้นนน ♥️♥️🤣🙋‍♂️ IG:Bucket.BTN

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