Good Morning and

Day 3 of and hump day. I hope the weather is being kind to you.
Thank you to everyone who shared photographs yesterday

Wishing you all a wonderful day and remember, DMs open to talk❤️

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Tried on work clothes, yesterday. Needless to say I'm about to do some burpees now. 🤣🤦‍♀️#teacher5oclockclub

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Morning hard core 5 o'clockers! Here's trying to keep it light! 🤪🤣

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whether you believe it or not, the most important person in the classroom is you. Otherwise there’s no point in anyone being there. Make sure your health & well-being come first. Then you can be as brilliant as you are.

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Morning Paul and all awake for fell asleep at 8.15pm yesterday so feeling a bit woozy. Need a hot cup of tea to get me sorted for the day. Have a great day everyone :)

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🐰Daily Challenge 20! 🐰

Draw an invention to help the Easter Bunny hides its eggs!

It's difficult to carry and hide lots of eggs each year. Invent something to help the Easter Bunny.
Please share/RT!

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Progression of a child with zero self confidence.... So proud!

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