Odyssey episode 37:

Odysseus met the loyal Eumaneus and he was pleased with his hospitality. When Telemachus arrived in Ithaca he saw Eumaneus with the stranger. Telemachus offered to help him and he invited him to the palace. There Odysseus revealed his identity to his son.

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I can't stop watch mission odyssey and I was thinking..
Arlesia with Penelope's clothes
Shallot with Ulysses' clothes ( Honestly.. They almost same clothes 😆😆)
And Shallot with Telemachus' clothes

( But first I must finish valentine drawing 💪 )

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Dionisio Baixeras Verdaguer - Telemachus and Pisistratus in the palace of Menelaus

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gen 2 kid group+helenus...left to right/top to bottom: telemachus, pyrrhus, chrysothemis, electra, helenus, hermione, astyanax, pylades and orestes :^)

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Morpho telemachus and morpho didius.

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This is Telemachus, a character I drew up and painted for my boyfriend, who plays him in Dungeons and Dragons. He's a noble tiefling in the Arabian-ish culture of Iluma Orod. He likes enjoying finer things in life, but he is also a man of faith with exceptional combat prowess.

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