Should I redesign Dajing? Make her more approachable and more like a normal eastern dragon with fluff everywhere?

Her original inspiration was the celestial dragon Temeraire from the same named series. Nix the wings... but... yeh.

Idk. I feel disappointed. I cant draw dragons

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Post 4 fictional characters that mean the world to you and tag mutuals to do the same (Transformers' Megatron, Temeraire's Tenzing Tharkay, The Elder Scrolls' Azura, Battle Angel Alita's Sechs)

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A little cat pattern i made with following along a tutorial by on ! I dind these are really fun and relaxing to make!! Might incorporate some patterns in my temeraire merch line :)))

13 31

Iskie, חיים שלי my favorite sticker I can FEEL it

0 6

More His Majesty's Dragon fanart, the main star himself Temeraire.

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A commission from a while back where I was asked to design the theoretical lovechild of Temeraire and Lily from His Majesty's Dragon.

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Riichu's girls [L'Opiniatre, Le Temeraire, Grenville]

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Riichu's girls [L'Opiniatre, Le Temeraire, Grenville

2 14

Glowing Painting
The Fighting Temeraire by Joseph Mallord William Turner

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Le 23 avril 1775 naissait à Londres William Turner, fameux peintre britannique qui réalisa de nombreuses marines lui valant une renommée mondiale. Fighting Temeraire est très probablement son œuvre la plus célèbre.

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Cpt Aubrey’s adventurous world of fighting sail . With added dragons. What if the Napoleonic Wars were fought on land, sea & with draconic air forces: 's “Temeraire” series tells an immensely readable story of rather loveable dragons & their friends

4 27

ahh those tweets are so hard to answer...
Well... A quick and hard choice

Gustave Courbet : Le Sommeil (1866)

Hieronimus Bosch : The Garden of Earthly Delights (1500)

Rembrandt : Christ in the Storm on the Lake of Galilee (1633)

William Turner : The Fighting Temeraire (1839)

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u can tell what i care about the most. Also read temeraire.

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Joseph Mallord William Turner, The Fighting Temeraire, 1839, oil on canvas, 90.7 x 121.6 cm

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I saw it was so let's all appreciate the bestest boy Temeraire

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