Day 24 of These are called Swordfish oxfords, by . It's been their signature style since like the 70's. I wish I got these when they were still available a few years ago! .

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Heather Brockman Lee

More hugs from Heather Brockman Lee's

✨ 'Mermaid and Octopus'
✨ 'Tree, Earth, Children'
✨ 'Loss Is Hard'
✨ 'It's OK to Let Go'

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I decided to play along with all of you who are into Love making different characters, so this will be my theme. Not sure how many I'll be able to make, but it'll be nice break while I'm working on my book.
I love drawing insects. So…

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I will draw kids in dynamic poses for I will probably not finish it on time, but at least I'll be better at drawing kids then I'm now. Here's 1/100 🤗

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Yesterday was the 100th day of my I realized I didn't update the project here. So here are my merry drawings day 1-4.

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Here are the latest 4 drawings of my I am day 40 now. So far so good. Look at my 1-40 days here

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No.025 Cupcake
1/4 of the way done with Today go…

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