Ok, dopo non so quanto ho ripreso in mano il tablet 😂 oggi è la giornata della svolta ahahah
Comunque ho voluto rifare Kaladin (❤)il primo disegno risale all'era preistorica 😂 ovviamente come sempre non sono soddisfatta 🙃 vabbè

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I'm reading Rythm of War, and I love the women from so much I had to draw them 😍 ( if you are looking for well written, fascinating female leads I can't recommend this book enough! )

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(no specific spoilers but maybe avoid if you haven't read up to Oathbringer??)

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"It's okay for me to enjoy this," Shallan said, as if discovering something precious.

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With the amount of stormlight art I've been taking in with the combination of coming out this week I couldn't help myself to draw the boi himself, Kaladin Stormblessed!

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"Identity Crisis", one of the cards I had the pleasure to do for

I had the opportunity to paint for a couple of cards, love her so much <3

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