Bullfrog Mall Cop equates safety with slavery because “history is written by the winners”.

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Actual footage of Bullfrog Mall Cop taking up Grabby Wan Kenobi’s latest sex assault case.

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Happy Labor Day from someone who thinks unions are something you pick off a triple Whopper with cheese.

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Good news everybody, Bullfrog Mall Cop thinks racist policing is just a “feeling”. Like reverse racism or being terrified of Antifa. Meanwhile, Daniel Prude was suffocated by Rochester police while in clear mental distress.

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Right wing extremism and Blue Lives cop fetishists are the virus we need to talk about.

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These quarantimes have likely caused some of us to get a little rusty with our manners and etiquette. Good thing Lumbering Garbage Barge has some pointers.

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HBD to the Shark Week of Governors - Thx for effortlessly triggering weaker men.

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Public Access Caligula whines about a smarter woman, part bazillion.

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The only Birther conspiracy worth subscribing to.

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Or, maybe just maybe every single thought that struggles it’s way through those calamari lips resembles an irredeemable turd.

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In which Melted Pumpkin gives 160K+ dead Americans the treason shrugs.

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The Presidency of Unforced Errors, lookin good 100 days out from Election Day.

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Charmless Antoinette giving advice to out-of-work Americans is like Don Jr. giving advice on how not to be a regrettable putz.

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Don’t worry, President Whopper with Crime has got this virus thing tremendously under control.

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A drawing from a year ago today, when Turd Reich honored the brave soldiers who fought at the Battle of LaGuardia and wrested our independence from the British between baggage claim and the men’s bathroom.

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Last year’s drawing. I’m honestly impressed Klan Chowder hasn’t given himself a holiday yet.

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