“Don’t you know that everyone who’s serious about martial arts shaves their head!? “ -Krillin

Fan art by https://t.co/mkyge6KZiu

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"I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave."

Art, fan art, photography, merchandise, social media: https://t.co/htA9yeMDXv

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Dorathy Gale from The Wizard of Oz

art, fan art, photography, merchandise, social media: https://t.co/htA9yeMDXv

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“I thought... well, I started to think you were just a madman with a box.'

Art, fan art, photography, merchandise, social media: https://t.co/htA9yev2yV

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Captain America from Marvel

art, fan art, photography, merchandise, social media: https://t.co/htA9yev2yV

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"Because of this talking cat Luna, I became a Champion of Justice. Oooooh! How annoying!"

Art, fan art, photography, merchandise, social media: https://t.co/htA9yeMDXv

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Catgradulations Graduates!

art, fan art, photography, merchandise, social media: https://t.co/htA9yev2yV

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