That's not how looked in 1976.

Modern reprints use colors that are WAY too saturated, giving the false impression that old comics were garish. The newsprint absorbed color, creating more subtlety and appeal even with bombastic Jack Kirby art.

It read more like this

280 1139

I'm looking forward to which is the Marvel movie I'm expecting the most this year (yes, over Far From Home, mind you) as a Kirby fan. And with what speculates here my interest is bigger now. Well, we're a month away for Eternals.

0 1

Facts are facts — is a hottie and if I were I’d be banging him too 💁🏾‍♂️

2 13

Kosmic stuff from my Yondu book by and for ... trailer made me think of this book...

8 54

The complex and tribulated feelings between Thena and Kro were such a surprise to me when first reading Truly happy to see them translated into film!

37 148

Und somit habe ich diese Arbeit nun beendet. Hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht.

And so I finished my work today. It was big joy working on.
as Ajak in
Worked in with

4 44

Nochmal ein Zwischenschritt.

Another workstep...

0 2

ty pokemon1204 for fueling the ship

ty Hey_MongMong, OctiviaSays, and SeraphiVT for the raids

ty biggaye1 for the caffeine funds :3c

ty TheEternalShadows for continuing ur rank

0 1