Heron class made some fantastic birds yesterday as part of by We had lots of fun exploring the feathers with their amazing colours!

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After failed attempts at using my yoga mat as a telescope, I found the perfect conduit: my grandma vase! Perfect to rescue a damsel in distress trapped in a locked tower, catch a 🌠 , or beam through some 🐻 mischievous signals from his kaleidoscopic world!

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Stories make us human & today sends us on a story hunt - and not just in the Library. Ask someone older or younger to share a story with you: a teacher, parent, sibling or friend, with a tale from far in the past or just this morning. (Image: )

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This breaktime, why not try which asks you to "Dance like no-one is watching, dance like everyone's watching!" Alone or with your friends, shake off that Monday sluggishness with a few steps to a beat.

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is a sensory delight filled with beautiful sights, smell as and texture - photo taken yesterday on a tree walk

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Day 24 ... ‘Take Three’ Has to be 3 of my photos of seals playing by the Breakwater this week!

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“Here’s looking at you”. Day 15 of the s is to draw two portraits. One with your dominant hand, one with the least dominant hand. Can hardly tell the difference really.

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My slightly dotty attempt - a welcome end of the week glass🍷 (apologies to those doing dry January!)

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I used white paint and splashed onto black paper then using a pen and white paint joined the dots & created a

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tiny handbag with wobbly stitching. (It’s been a long day......)

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Post it note + scissors + folding = tree. I love the shadows it casts.

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I didn’t need to do a colour switch, Mother Nature was onto it already...from grey to beautiful blue skies ☺️ treasure hunting together

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Jan 1.
Using gumtree bark for signage.

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