I have gotten some kind offers for translation help for "The Last Secret". For Spanish, the web page is now proofread and the game will be translated as soon as it is complete! (Thank you, !)

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Homo, hetero - both ok: can be played as male or female protagonist and you can get involved romantically with any of the main characters. Subtle changes are needed, like in this romantic scene.

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Do you like girls? Kawaii or just annoying? Just trying to have a bit more of "Tsundere-Meilin" in my game and wanted to know your opinion...

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only for males or females? Why not let the player choose? Depending on their choice, some interactions in the game will differ. Involves some complex branching, in particular in romantic scenes, but the result is neat.

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And here's Marvin, the not-so-depressed-but-rather-aggressive robot. Meilin will take a particular "liking" at him.

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And here's the mysterious "girl with pink hair". Who is she? Friend or foe? An alien, a time traveler, a robot? Maybe none of the above... And why does she have these strange furry ears? Find out in

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Our first male hero: Honghong, son from a Chinese family who owns a restaurant in Hamburg, very talented Go and piano player, but super modest ("I can only play a bit...")

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And here's Karina: math ass, super smart, sweet, sometimes living in another world - the natural target for Meilin's teasing! She had just become friends with the others and has started playing Go with them.

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By the way, time to introduce the cast of THE LAST SECRET, starting with Meilin: Half-Chinese, strong will, loves to tease others. She's the protagonist's neighbor and childhood friend. Like her friends, Karina, Honghong and the player, she lives in Hamburg.

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