You deserve credit for continuing to push forward, too.
Let's go take today on together! ❤️

All My Best,
Kate (, Kate Allan)
~ author of You Can Do All Things

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We can make it through today. ♥

All My Best,
Kate (Kate Allan, )
~ author of You Can Do All Things

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I'm so glad you exist.
Thanks for keepin' on. ♥

All My Best,
(Kate Allan), author of You Deserve Nice Things

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You deserve your own place in this world, just as you are. Thanks for being here. ♥

All My Best,
Kate (Kate Allan ) Author of It's Your Weirdness That Makes You Wonderful

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Let's go face today together. ♥

All My Best,
( Kate Allan,) Author of You Can Do All Things

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It's good that you're here today, just as you are. ♥

All My Best,
Kate () Author of, You Can Do All Things

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Please show yourself some real patience and kindness today. You truly deserve it. ♥

All My Best,
Kate (Author of You Can Do All Things)

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You got this. ❤️

All My Best,
(You Can Do All Things)

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Hey, thanks for sticking it out. It's good that you're here, even if today's stresses require potato time. You're good as a potato, too.

All My Best,
Kate ❤️

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It's better that you're here, I promise. You deserve to see all the good that's coming. ♥

All My Best,
(Kate Allan), author of It's Your Weirdness that Makes You Wonderful

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Every effort counts. If your efforts don't get you where you need to be, at least you'll learn something.

All My Best,

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Sorry I'm late, but my cat wants you to know that you're going to be okay! I searched long and hard for some cute bug art and I found this bee (by @/TheLatestKate) - As a bonus, here's a post about a bug! I thought it was cute 🖤

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Every single difficult day, you conquered it.
We'll make it through today, too. ♥

(Kate Allan), author of It's Your Weirdness that Makes You Wonderful

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We can make it through today. Let's face it together, okay? ♥

(Kate Allan), author of You Can Do All Things

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I’ve got a lot of anxiety today, so I’m just going to try and relax 💗

Take care of yourselves

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