[CLASSIC] Two years ago of the digital era that I always do them more improved than traditional, I present 4 first FANART works (featuring 2 new discovering series) that I trained.

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[NEW] 4 types of Happiness Vacations (Country trip, Cruise (possibly a Summer Job), Camping & Beach) that my Original Charas select one of these differents kind.

3 21

[NEW]After 2016's one canceled, DreamWorks announced the NEW time of the upcoming Felix The Cat show that I do my explain/reaction... But I'm not sure the studio will remove again or it has an idea for our need.

12 31

[NEW] In the "FINALE" Strip for Me, The Cartoonist, the new friend never quits when he/she has a similiar talent than mine for increasing the friendship, the knowledge and the work until real dream.

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[NEW] In the NEW Strip for Me, The Cartoonist, personally I survive some old books that I continue without music in its period.

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[NEW] In he NEW Strip for Me, The Cartoonist, the "old" popular franchises are more complexe than actual ones in these days that I miss them.

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[NEW] Since I sometimes changed some original icons last year that I'm now active on Twitter, there are finally here that I bring their good moments.

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[NEW]The NEW Strip for Me, The Cartoonist is programming to the hour of activities that I did... But the drawing time... Not easy to surpass.

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[NEW]The NEW Strip of Me, The Cartoonist, but a little funny. The way is better than the worst weather which want to destroy the own works, in my opinion.

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[NEW]The NEW Strip of Me, The Cartoonist is classically here! Today is that I reacts to watch my childhood series in three different ways, when I grow up.

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[NEWS] Boys and girls. Thank you for having more of 500 followers, since more of 1 year of my success that I continue posting more of original works and things.

3 25

[NEW] The NEW way for Me, The Cartoonist, but a fact.
If you think that I'm simply a Sonic OC or a furry guy. But for me, I'm officially other thing than both are too fandom and cringe.

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[NEW] The Second time of the An ALL-NEW Me, The Cartoonist strip come here. The new daily strip is the objectif work during one day, but in the nutshell.

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[NEW] Four years after the regular comic and one after the promotion, FTF's Me, The Cartoonist continue to the strips and here I go to the imagination of the people communication.

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[NEW] A friend: What's up about "Felix The Cat" on the internet since the continuation of social medias?

Me: ...

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(Classic) Let's early continue the fourth part of the classic doodles (2018), starring my own characters, such as me (FTF The Toonist).

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(NEW) There is the real resolution of my limited icon when I'll go to Japan during temporary days. But with 2 versions that you prefer one. Left or Right?

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