So I wanted to draw as Phase three tricky. I'm doing kaiju fusions. This is the first one thst I started on. Pretty cool right?

1 5

ihope everyone is habing a great day;i;m sad thst yiuc an only hav e 3 shimeijis on the screen;iwant a horde of them swarming evrrything

1 8

I once got a note from an old lady in a tram that I have talent but I use it to create satanic atrocities "so I want to spread thst propaganda UwU

0 14

icwnt sleep;stupid white specks;lazpsuint is rly weird sometime s& does weird shit;yuriis so cuet(had to rub my eyes nd my head fo r 2 minutes aftyr i typed thst;ihasve a rly bad headache)

0 4

cant sleep-ishev a lot of love thst i want to give to people;but nobody loves me ;ndit msakesmme really sad;ifeel like im going to lose all the love i have in me bc i csnt share it & turn uinto an awful hateful person;lst year was sucha giood year & i was so happpy

2 9

omg he brought faust flowers in pink thst matches his outfit… how sweet of him

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You’ll either experience thst now or hear about it later when the floor is higher than all of those.

5 14

Hrm I guess have a palatable design at first jsut to get those who are interested before you run into more complex designs?
Other than thst small comic introducing said character doing those ask me about said oc etc,
I think gotta be consistent tho which I struggle with 😭

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another one to compare it to since i do still draw lips like thst sometimes

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whenmver i tbink of when he said;thst before iwld evben be birn(i ws born on thr 7th monmth; he said he wsnted to do it in the 6th month); h e wanted to cut me out of her w/ a blunt rusty knife & shootme 4 times in thr head;itmskes me cry a lot

2 16

His voice has that like hoarse a bit, also thst tone in the pv is absolutely perfect... Now u just need to rememebr he played a hypmic character so if you close your eyes enough you can hear mephisto rapping

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Look i know what i told bout stickmintober before but ITS ELLIES DAY ITS MY QUEENS DAY!!1

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ihope;thst eveyrone is feeli9ng okay2day

3 14

want to be beaten to death with thst bat

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wip thst im gonna post on the llb acc when im finished

3 10

some anthros 👁👁
Yume, Orion, Bubu(oe bubble) , Everest in thst order

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Join at 9pm EDT to find out what else happens on Sins of Blood. What the heck was thst silver orb?

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never finishing this but thst will not stop me from.posting him again

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ithink;whenppl put thst plaster-stuff-idon;t-know-=what-it-is=im stuipid; on th faces oif a body; it takes th soul away completely and looks awful nd itys rly scary

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