The Batman: The Animated Series episode "Day of the Samurai" debuted on this day (Feb. 23) in 1993! Despite weak animation, the strong writing by Steve Perry and direction by Bruce Timm make this episode a worthy follow-up to "Night of the Ninja!"

34 302

Supergirl by Bruce Timm

148 2147

C0mmissi0n of the client's superhero character in JLU/Bruce Timm style~

3 15

Lois & Clark by Bruce Timm.

9 27

1. Bruce timm rules 2. Hammer films are the greatest horror film company ever 3. Caroline munro in Starcrash is the closest we got to a REAL Vampirella Film.

0 2

Darth Vader & Luke Skywalker by Bruce Timm (1980/81)

65 565

Scarlet Witch by Bruce Timm

157 1517

Mary Marvel by Bruce Timm

97 888

Kei and Yuri from "Dirty Pair" drawn by Bruce Timm (Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League, Freakazoïd!...)

388 1648

Andrea and Ruk art inspired by the episode "What Are Little Girl's Made Of?" By Bruce Timm

31 164

The Justice League by Bruce Timm and

118 808

is wishing the happiest of birthdays to Bruce Timm.

27 130

Supergirl by Bruce Timm.

6 34

Superman and Lois Lane by Bruce Timm

181 1266

Ever think about how big bruce timm Superman is?

1 1

Reposting The Batman as depicted by Bruce Timm

28 148