画質 高画質

Nightingale is having nightmare again...but worry not, cuz doctor is here 🙏

106 591

sussurro in nightingale costume

60 379

Tehe! Di settingan lowest itu emang pemandangan genshin tetep secakep ini ya.

1 40

Florence Nightingale

134 593

Nightingale (WIP)

23 124

【WEB再録】Nightingale | いろ https://t.co/iWGcYu41tO

91 740

Nightingale's vocabulary check
"A for apple, B, C...D for doctor! And E for..."

157 720

kny! sender mau share fanart muichiro dan saudara kembarnya di hari kamis, tapi gabisa tag banyak orang. jadi kemungkinan bakal share lewat reply postingan ini. kalau kalian tertarik buat lihat, silahkan komen dulu aja~

2 79

COMM for @ Zootingayer

19 135

(Self-use reference) The game's events took place before Atsku'ama joined the nightingales so no tacti at this time 😗

62 420

Ms. Nightingale, who took your sandal?

2 15

Commi to

A Florence Nightingale icon from FGO (Fate)

Thanks for the constant support

2 33

-bllk guys mau tanya, biasanya kalian liat postingan official art kayak gini tuh dimana yaa???

9 110