Este bellísimo mosaico romano nos ilustra con una lucha entre un centauro y varios felinos que han matado a su compañera y su hijo. La pieza, datada en el S. II d. C, fue encontrada en Villa Adriana (Tivoli, y en la actualidad se custodia en el Altes Museum (#Berlin)

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Waterfall in Tivoli and Architectural fantasy. Gouache, pen and brown wash. on cardboard. Charles-Louis Clérisseau, French. 1721-1820.

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Today's study, done with my students again :
Hadrien's villa in Tivoli, Italy

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La Vue de Tivoli de Joseph Vernet, encore tout imprégné d'Italie a obtenu 617 500 € soit dans l'estimation et la Fontaine-de-Vaucluse par Hubert Robert est restée en deça a 280 000 €

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A dramatic and bloody scene with a pair of centaurs fighting wild cats, part of the dining room floor from Hadrian's villa at Tivoli for

It is made of minute tesserae of coloured natural stones and is now in display at the Altes Museum

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Tivoli vault cascade

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"Tivoli Ponte Lupo, Poli", 1898.
🎨 by Ettore Roesler Franz (Italian, 1845 – 1907) .

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Ricordo di Tivoli, by Anselm Feuerbach

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English 18C landscape artist Francis Towne failed 11 times to get elected to the Royal Academy / forgotten for more than 100 years / now ultra-fashionable. These watercolours remind me, oddly, of Japanese woodblock prints ~ Ambleside ■ Tarpeian Rock, Rome ■ Tivoli (1780s)

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... Temple of Tivoli, on the left, is combined with an impossibly tidy French mill to the right.
Boucher designs were much used by the Vincennes-Sèvres royal porcelain factory to decorate their pieces.

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Coming Soon To
Gems From The Tivoli !
2 Night For Free !
Join Us For A Look At Some Of The Greatest Matches From Dublin’s Famous Tivoli Theatre
More Info Coming Soon !!!

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Second day of
The three graces fresco from the Villa d’Este Tivoli They have all the joys of spring with flowers in their hair.

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