there was a joke about an HS fighting game a while back but if it were real we know who the Rugal would be

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oh whoops she looked into a magic cue ball and turned evil

same thing happened to my buddy eric

0 14

CW: Blood
holy shit she is fucking savage she's so rad

0 11

anyway that was a tangent now it's time for mORE BURNING SAPPHIC RAGE

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it's kinda neat that we're getting to see what fully-grown trolls look like now, even if they're constantly shrouded in darkness

0 16

oh god is murderspider girl actually getting a shred of character development? it's a miracle

0 8

so like half of the trolls just died over the course of a few pages things are fine things are just fine

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why do I feel like something awful is about to happen o_o

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