Happy from my sweet little kitty cat, Princess Kraken Autumn Quinn 😸☺

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Meet Maple! my catsona? Warrior cats sona? Idk but I love her!
Her warriors name is Maplebush c:
And she would be around 14 moons old.

She is a light, tortieschell, maine coon because I really want a cat like this one day ♡

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sometimes i like drawing torties, sometimes i rly do not

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And comparison, Old vs. New, Idk why I have so much trouble with torties and calicos but like? Hey yknow! Whateves!

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Finished icons for 's OCS Redcloud and Mandrakesnare! I love torties...

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I have 4 tortoiseshell cats (torties). This image was inspired by one of them called 'Tilda' who has lots of character and constantly makes me laugh with her antics such as swinging on door handles to open them! What tricks can your cat do?

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if u ever want to draw your cats in neko atsume style i would not recommend having torties because it is a disaster

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