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i'm starting a new saga of fanart featuring chibis so here is my first chibi drawing of trish una ^^ ✨

i hope you all like it, i love you all so much ^^ ❤✨

1 5

Trish might have actually been my favorite to draw 🥺

3 10

去年一月畫的特里休(因為最近畫了老闆所以又把特里休翻出來看了!其實之前發過這張但是我想再發一遍!),再看看現在感覺自己退步蠻大的( p_q)接下來真的應該努力練習畫畫了...

3 13

i drew trish as a boy...also to remind you that preorders are open, this zine really deserves all the love.

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