Esta fue la primera viñeta que dibujé sobre, por aquel entonces candidato a liderar el partido republicano, Donald Trump. Lamentablemente no me confundí y ha contribuido a deteriorar la democracia en el mundo, y aunque él se va el se queda.

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La viñeta de Bill Bramhall en el New York Daily News.

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No a los presupuestos, no al estado de alarma, no al ingreso mínimo vital, no a todo... Cuanto se echa de menos una oposición con sentido de estado que sume y dejé atrás el y la polarización que tanto daño hace a la democracia.

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Una vez que esté fuera de la circulación, nos dejará el cuyos representantes nacionales son el y

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Populistas negacionistas como Donald Trump, proliferan en todos los países declarando su patriotismo, cuando a lo único que aman es a su propio culo.

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My Latest - This election must be a referendum on trumpism.

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I usually wouldn’t be bothered by stupid Trumpisms but seriously wtf? I don’t understand this tactic. Does he actually not remember the plan that he & put into place w/ Is he trying to rile up Americans & convince his fans that this is some liberal agenda?

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Ah don’t mind them Owen. Come along to Blackstock Road later for chats

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But it’s not the hand he really wanted to hold in fairness

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In 2017 we sent this letter to protest Trump's planned visit to the UK. Two cancelled trips later, his arrival is imminent. Stand with us. Join the

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From the archives, circa 2009 | 'Ewo Super' - Haiti Doctors without borders ✊🏾

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This cartoon just won First Prize at Iran's "Trumpism Cartoon and Caricature Contest"

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“The clownish veneer of Trumpism conceals its true danger,” David Remnick writes in the NYKER.

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