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Conan faces the Avatar of Al’Kiir, god of lust, pain, and death (Boris Vallejo cover for CN3: Conan Triumphant, adventure for the CONAN Role-Playing Game, TSR, 1985)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Unearthed Arcana, TSR, 1985. Cover: Jeff Easley. #JeffEasley #TSR #AdvancedDungeonsandDragons #roleplaying #dungeonsanddragons #Dungeons #Dragons #unearthed #arcana #wizard #laboratory
Forgotten Realms Menzoberranzan Book of the City / The Houses / The Adventures, TSR, 1992. Covers: Jeff Easley. The Famed City of the Drow Elves. #AdvancedDungeonsandDragons #JeffEasley #TSR #roleplaying #dungeonsanddragons #Dungeons #Dragons #ForgottenRealms #Menzoberranzan
Dragons. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition. Dungeon Master's Guide, TSR, 1989. Cover: Jeff Easley. #dragon #DungeonsandDragons #roleplaying #TSR #JeffEasley
Dragonlance: Tales of the Lance. World Book of Ansalon, TSR, 1992. Cover: Jeff Easley. #Dragonlance #dragon #Ansalon #roleplaying #TSR #JeffEasley
Tracy Hickman & Margaret Weiss, Dragonlance Adventures, TSR, 1987. Cover: Jeff Easley. #TSR #Dragonlance #Dwarves #JeffEasley #roleplaying #TracyHickman #MargaretWeiss #adventure
Equinoid with hydrogen flame generator spear, from James M Ward’s article on mental mutations in Gamma World (Clyde Caldwell cover for Ares Special Edition 2, SPI/TSR, Spring 1984)
Faz tempo que eu fiz mas eu nunca postei e hj parece ser um dia legal pra postsr, usei uma base do pinterest pra fazer
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I’m looking for supporters to help me with Tails TSR, The World Of Chaos. That I mean Illustrations, and if you are up for a challenge to commission, I will be gladly happy if you help me with other scenes as well.
I love the cover of Song of the Dark Druid, an Endless Quest Book from #TSR, written by Josepha Sherman.
This cover was done by Jeff Easley. I quite enjoyed this book.
#OSR #ADnD #DnDBasic #DnD #ODnD #HolmesBasic #dungeonsanddragons
@supersonicman10 @NotPeashyBee Thought this was worth bringing up, As I was trying to find those ending images in a full sprite rip of her assets on TSR, I found this file which has red eyes. I think this more or less confirms my theory that it was a last minute change.
@Zhane_Star it also sucks so hard that THEY CONSISTENTLY come back when we haven’t seen some fan favorites in years (like, Zavok in TSR, but not Cream? ZAVOK DIDNT EVEN HAVE A CHARACTER MOTIVE). ofc Cream was in Olympics and the comics but still
When the drow looks this happy, be worried. (Erol Otus from The Art of Dragon Magazine, TSR, 1988.) https://t.co/uUUfQWLKYs
@vic_skyy @BLooDY_GaL In TSR, it's even funny how none of Shadows team mates are featured... almos as if they did not count.
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Unearthed Arcana, TSR, 1985. Cover: Jeff Easley. #AdvancedDungeonsandDragons #JeffEasley #TSR #roleplaying #dungeonsanddragons #Dungeons #Dragons #unearthed #arcana #wizard #laboratory
Forgotton Realms Menzoberranzan Book of the City / The Houses / The Adventures, TSR, 1992. Covers: Jeff Easley. The Famed City of the Drow Elves. #AdvancedDungeonsandDragons #JeffEasley #TSR #roleplaying #dungeonsanddragons #Dungeons #Dragons #ForgottonRealms #Menzoberranzan
I also want to thank @PSY_comics for drawing these 3 quick Sketches for me!
They are a lot of fun!
He drew my Character, Justice Jo King as a Jojos Charactsr, @CodaBear_Art 's Character Eelo Joel very buff and a singing plane going on Vacation but it went bad:D