guys i forgot to draw the april fools day girl ofoolu today i didn't have time uh have this 100% super high quality substitute instead um

[[]][]]#art ]][[][[

3 7

I now have a green shirt. Then brown pants, a slip on shoes. Even a crocodile hat. Ionly need like a white blazer and ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

0 3

@/MilchikM's OC ummmmmm yea

2 8

heyyy guys fun fact ummmmmmmm!!

reminder again that i have this thingy majig

1 14

ummmmmmmmmmmm if twitter explodes heres my tumblrs (main and art blog)

3 5

ummmmmmm another this one is $25usd. hi

0 3

ummmmmmmm this is based off of four's whole escapism fantasy thingy in bfb 30 but i won't explain the meanings behind this further because i can't be bothered thx (im using both tags because at this point idk which one i should be using k bye)

29 105

This is way better than chicken noodle soup tho! At least imo! That pork that is so tender it melts in ur mouth! Yummmmmmmmmmmmmm

0 0

ummmmmm uhhhhhhhhh... I don't draw a -LOT- of non-commission work but... I guess those? oppossum jinx and takamori kitties......

2 28

Ummmmmm just got gifted a and I am OBSESSED.

Im just learning about this project tonight and I’m like, sincerely impressed. Wowza. 😍😍😍

🫶🏼 Thank you 🫶🏼

12 82


0 1

Classsssiiiicccccc, very little flaws and so many catchy and amazing songs. Delicious yummy yummmmmm, drooolllslssssss

0 0

ok but why is she so pretty. ermm. ummmmmm

2 16

UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HEHE i forgot to post a schedule!!
🧡will be streaming metroid until i finish the game..... i am determined........ SO mon/wed/sat for this week at 7 pm pst!🧡

unless u wanna play valorant with me because i havent played in a while 🎃👉👈

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