Gifto/Thanksies-Gifto for lil sibbie !
Congrats on gettin’ ur second vaccine, lai!
May ya continue to drink and rest lots! 💖💕🎉💛

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i watched Fact Fiend's video about anteaters and i couldn't get out of my head the idea of an anteater digimon, so meet Vermilimon a champion level, vaccine, holy beast, virus buster digimon.

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I went to get my third vaccine, they told im supposed to get it next week, wasted my fucking time

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Sheepmon. Neutral, Vaccine, Mammal.
"Sheepmon is very sluggish. Just watching them move in flocks will cause you to sleep. The equipment on its back is a bazooka unit called the "Wool Ball Booster", and with this, it reproduces the low-speed movement characteristic of Sheepmon."

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ExTyranomon. Dark, Vaccine, Puppet.
"A Puppet Digimon that sneaks around within a Tyranomon-shaped plush toy. The reason why it is a Tyranomon plush toy is unclear."

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ToyAgumon. Neutral, Vaccine, Puppet type.
"A unique Digimon composed entirely of plastic blocks. A kid on the Internet is said to have built it to resemble Agumon's shape, making it very cute."

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MarineAngemon. Water, Vaccine, Fairy type.
"This pixie Digimon resides in the Net Ocean and is very rarely seen. Although referred to as Angemon, it is actually a very different type from other Angemon."

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DemiDevimon. Dark, Vaccine, Devil.
"A small familiar Digimon shaped like a bat used by the likes of Devimon or Myotismon. It tends to rile up the Devimon, who had been an angel type Digimon, and is said to be the one that brought it over to the dark side."

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Chirinmon. Light, Vaccine, Holy Beast.
You expected this one, yes?

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Alphamon. Neutral, Vaccine, Holy Knight.
"A member of the Royal Knights. Despite being a knight, this Digimon is a counter to them, and normally it does not show itself. With its blue mantle, it is called the Aloof Hermit and occupies the Empty Seat in the Royal Knights."

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Kudamon. Light, Vaccine, Holy Beast type.
"A holy beast Digimon coiled around a sacred ammunition cartridge at all times. The earring on its left ear is said to constantly accumulate holy power, having a greater effect on Digivolution the more power is stored."

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Zubamon. Neutral, Vaccine, Weapon.
"One of the Legend-Arms that can change itself into a weapon. Legends say that such weapons would "save the world if held by an angel, or destroy it if held by a demon"."

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Airdramon. Wind, Vaccine, Beast type.
"A mythical beast Digimon with gigantic wings. This monster is extremely valuable, and thought to be close to a god. It specializes in mid-air combat, invoking storms with its howls and creating massive tornados with its wings. "

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Solarmon. Light, Vaccine, Machine type.
"A supposedly rare type of machine Digimon. Some researchers posit it as a mutation of Hagurumon, but no one knows for sure. The heat generated from its DigiCore makes its body hot enough to burn at the touch."

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Because today I got my first dose of vaccine, I can't draw for a few days.

But I will finish my commission list this month.
Thank you✨💕

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Finally got the vaccine, after so long @ (that nurse looks familiar tho...)

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Good luck with the side effects, I got no effects on the second dose, I guess my immune system adapted well to the vaccine, take good care of yourself.

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I can't enter VR Chat due to the aftereffects of the vaccine, so I'm making a new costume instead.

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Thank you to everyone that wished me well! My body feels so much better after feeling like hell during my recovery period from the vaccine, high fevers are always a big scare. Happy to be able to move my arm and be able to draw again ✨🌸

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I should rest, but I have a job.
the day was heavy, vaccine, blows on the arm, work and period lol..

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