This is Andrew Norman JR. he is the mediator of the CSTF, has an extensive relations with CNGS world leaders, is under the authority of the US president, and has a direct contact line with her.

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im glad a pushed myself on a couple of these images for vol 2.

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i'm so glad work fixed our schuedles. i actually had time to knock out SO MUCH COLORING for vol 2. the last thing that's left is finishing touches and cleanup. i'm proud of myself for sticking with my project. 😤💪💪💪

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he has a cool steed (altered motorcycle for intense combat) and has pledged fealty to his maiden fair. (but respects her ability to stand on her own and isn't inclined to save her unless the situation is DIRE and calls for it.)

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GOLEM's final design! looks so good compared to when i first made his mask.

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i feel i need to tweak this some more, but i still think it looks pretty good.

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A tragic super solider with a tie to a main character. Pops up in vol 7

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REX PREDONUM was once a CSTF operative before going AWOL and becoming a mercenary, before coming across ALA higher ups, who saw his leadership skills more useful for the coming aryan paradise.

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a couple of heavy QM infantry soldiers. they are rescued or escaped ALA experiments. What makes the rescued abomination soldiers more dangerous aside from their super human speed and strength, but their desire for retribution against the ala.

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ALRIGHTY that was a bit of a downer post, some good news is that i fixed wraith's hand!

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finalized golem's design. changed him from a blonde to a browner hair color, made him more rugged, giving him a working class feeling

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heres a sneak peek of vol 1, laleh's struggle with self hatred and her self esteem being picked at. A big part of her character is about how larger people are devalued and if not objects of mockery, are presented as objects of disgust.

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local goblin bored (also i need to give her fingers

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