Patches was a beast last game and his bromance with Stone is so awesome. So I decided to do a piece for our very own good ol

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sucks we never got to release this print brother. Wanted to surprise you with the Jedi hockey lightsaber hot rod designs for ya. Always is it :)

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Created This for our very own for being a huge inspiration to the Native American community and a great example of what it means to be Vegas Strong.

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Good luck out our tonight on game 5. will be incredible along with the rest of our ladies.

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New illustration and a Shout out to for the HUGE 29 points and our for brining the series to a tie. Such an incredible inspiration for our city

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“Pocket Aces” we have two amazing goalies and we should be proud. But we need the D to strop up and out some pucks in the net. We can do this

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VEGAS!!!!!!!!! Time to come together as a team and as a city to support our guys ready to battle in round 2. We have a great team ready to take on the next rival.

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In honor of Fleury in net ima share a Little throwback one of the first illustrations I made when I created the Golden misfits season one. The original concept art for Flower!!

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Another one for my “Frontline Heroes” book coming soon. Make sure you thank those out there still working to help us keep the world going.

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Did this little inspired piece live on Facebook for kids to draw along with me. Trying to help during these times to put a smile on people. .

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I think we need to call up another Lil Jedi Knight to help us out of this slump. Just sayin lol

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