Braksiks Deimos Velnari, the Kuva Lich, former doctor, former husband and father. The antithesis of the Legendary Super Saiyan.

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I love reading webtoons and novels, these are some of my favorite female characters🥰

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Braksiks Deimos Velnari. The Saiyan Devil/Kuva Lich. The antithesis to the Legendary Super Saiyan. Made immortal by consumption of Dragon's boood, each death gives Braksiks more strength, and each blow he delivers steals his opponents ki.

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Behold, Braksiks Deimos Velnari. A former doctor turned into mad immortal Saiyan. He was oprhaned pretty early in his life, and is actually a bastard child, but his parents remain a mystery to even himself. Joined the Saiyan military at age 18--

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Original - Satan (Velnaz Theme) (妹) より


闇堕ち神父、BGM名「Satan」 かっけー……

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sorry twitter instagram got to it first i hope she’s still sort of revelnar oops

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Tyra Aphrodite Velnari. 238 years old, grew up in an arena environment, ate the shitty food they had and killed a LOT of people in that place. Reached Arena Champion spotlight at about 30 years of age as well as achieved Super Saiyan back then.

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Alright so here we have Juno "Jinxx" Velnari, started mercenary work at 10 years old and made some serious bank doing so. Ended up chasing her older twin sister's shadow most of her life before she eventually lets go and decides to focus solely on being a better mom for her son

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ただいまGallery にて開催中



Instagram: までお気軽にお尋ねくださいませ。

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17 year old velnarei vs 27 year old velnarei

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Old PEOPLE!!! FVELNARIEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Velnarei redesig n

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I am the storm that is approaching, provoking, black clouds in isolation. I am reclaimer of my name, born in flames, I have been blessed, my family crest is a demon of death!

Here he is! Braksiks Deimos Velnari! Credit to thanks man!

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Venit aevus ille
O Messiah, O Messiah...

Credit to heres Celica Velnari in his style! Thanks man!

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The time has come. Let it out, let it out...

Ladies and gentlemen, credit to for this, here is Celica Velnari, the next Legendary Super Saiyan.

Or rather the one that will be fighting alongside Zektis. Thanks for this one man!

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Okay so after doing some brainstorming, Xavier Black will no longer be called that.

He is now Xavier Escaton Velnari, a alternate version of Xavier Orion Velnari.

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dnd boy velnarei

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Fuck it, Im joining this one! Have Tyra Velnari!

And before you ask, me and came to an agreement.

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Francesca vs the carneomancer Y'norsch μgn Chryseloern, near the lands of Velnan Graz

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