Post a piece that represents how you feel these days, or that shows what lies behind your public veneer?

Here’s how I feel: Why is it so quiet around here, it’s getting very ominous? Am I irrelevant?

Drop some art and leave a comment if you can ❤️

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// neo twewy spoilers
Honestly Shiba’s abilities are actually a bit terrifying when you think about them.
Summoning noise with the veneers of people; his infectious, parasitic noise that can induce hostility and despair; and the bodies he uses as attacks during his boss fight ❤️‍🔥

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Day 52*: 44 Doses in, Caught a Glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror just a bit ago, and in that fleeting moment my hair was hanging just right to coyly cover my face in such a way I got a quick hint of my femininity piercing though the Masc Veneer, Slight euphoria moment.

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Winter Soldier is a better Gray Man

Mallrats defined my adolescence

IP is David Cage’s purest work bc it is completely unhinged and doesn’t have the veneer of slick game polish like Heavy Rain

Prince of Persia is one of the best action platformers of the 6th gen

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I like seeing a comparison of my work this year and last year!

I’ve focused a lot on pushing past the “cute” veneer of my stuff and aimed for a more mature, but cheerful, vibe

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The world the protag + cast lived in their whole lives and the lives they led within it are fake - a veneer made through magic or sci-fi means to hide that the "real" world is a post apocalyptic hellscape or some similarly reality shattering truth about the world.

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In the mix of everything over the last couple of weeks, including AC, moving a friend and breaking a veneer, I got this AMAZING portrait of Tilly by the incredibly talented I am absolutely in love with it, the rendering is so so good!!! Can’t recommend enough! 💚

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The theme that Carolyn Bew explores in her work is that thin, yet rich, veneer between the domestic and pantomime. We’re really pleased to welcome a collection of her work to our online gallery:

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This is Roslyn, a woman with a cold veneer and a sharp tongue, but also a girl who has a special connection with horses.

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Kaiju Big Battel: Fighto Fantasy is a comedy toku-wrestling RPG that simultaneously parodies the RPG genre, revels in it, and actually has something of a disturbing underbelly lurking under its goofy veneer. Also, you get a communist-manifesto spouting plantain in your party.

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Its fun to throw Cthulhu around, here’s my first attempt to capture the essence of cosmic horror… the paper thin-veneer of our daily lives hiding an incomprehensible reality below, fate/inevitability, superstition, madness…

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And for the two new tiers there's Rosa and Veneeri joining the party >:3

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Did you know I have a new product type coming this Saturday? Wood stickers will become available for all the designs I sell as well as a listing choice for custom orders. All stickers will be laser engraved & hand-colored wood veneer sealed with flexible resin.

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galien, the prince. gentle hearted and kind, he's beloved by his people - and hated by his family due to his snow white hair being an omen and curse. he hides his insecurities and troubles behind a perfectly pleasant veneer - but one must wonder how deep his issues go...

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Meet Veneer, an albinos Cobra bard. He likes magic, teasing people, and messing with them. And yes, his bite is venomous.

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From Gujarat or Sindh, Mughal Empire, India: Box with Safavid decoration, 1600-1625 AD. Made of teak, veneered with rosewood, and inlayed with other woods, brass, stained green & white ivory. L: 11⅛ in. W: 8¼ D: 6¼ in.

Edric van Vredenburgh Collection being sold at Sotheby's.

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there's something lonely nesting under this obscene veneer

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A lot of crypto bros like to use terms like “gatekeeping” when an artist comes out against NFTs. I get usually 10-20 likes per tweet. Is their crypto scheme veneer that thin, that they’re afraid of a few dissenting tweets? LMAO.

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It's worth noting that these references are in the worlds only, not the castle itself. The castle is filled with sculptures of Gruntilda herself, while the BK homages are tucked away in the worlds. Almost as if they're secret shrines hidden behind a veneer of self-absorption...

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