İnsana en çok şiir yakışıyor, Sonra yeryüzüne yağmur, Gökyüzüne mavi...
27.sayısında kapağına 'yi misafir etti.

2 13


"Hey, Vi... Are you going to train?
- No, I'm not going to train.
Shall we train together?
- .... *intense silence*.... Yeah."

I really missed my girls and finally I found the inspiration to drawing them ❤️

8 30

meet...bellevi... 🫣

143 858

Part 3
Punches Vi...
Caitlyn Just Stand there watching her cupcake getting beaten up...
Caitlyn just stands
Amity calls backup...

1 1

Part 2
The Owl Crew gets ready to fight and so does vi...
Vi tries to punch gus but ends up punching Sevika...😂🤣

1 1


Levi and Haru playing Pocky games 👀✨ but it seems Haru forced Levi...

Haru: Because I afraid he will run away!

21 88

Ya volví de mi INACtividad!!! entienden? Inac y inactivi... ok... pero ya volví :D gracias a todos por su apoyo, tambien que ya en ratos veo los nuevos trabajos de los que sigo :D adoro ver sus ilustraciones!

Por ahora comparto un dibujito del Zack y de la Jenny ✨

13 82

Just a few more of these costumes to go!
Up next we have Ruben and Silvia as Link and Zelda from the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild!
Even Keri joined in as Navi... hopefully that paint comes off feathers easily...

18 51

that reminds me, since you are also a fan of levi... the few things i have made of levi are: and they're also $3 each

0 2



-Stacy in Nekroporis-

-vivi...! Rest in Peace-

0 5

"beautiful detailed photorealistic painting of a group of friends dressed as zombies in a karaoke, singing karaoke. they are smiling and havi..." - made with

0 1

BOA NOITE, POVÃO!!! HObo Retro aqui. Artista Digital, roteirista do Olimpsarts+ e escritor por hobby (mas quem sabe um dia posto algo que escrevi... :^) ). Curto estilos bizarros e "punk", e acho capivaras umas gracinhas <3

5 9

someone tell me not to buy the game just for levi...because i'm VERY tempted

4 14

(Me di cuenta que no había muchos perros, al menos yo no los vi...)
Así es, probando estilo nuevo de dibujo con este cachorrito.
(No firmé porque me daba paja, aparte quien se va a robar está basura? XD)

1 5


time remaining 30 minutes!
Current bid 10 xtz by the one and only 🖤🖤

Thank you tz1Vi...eafEP and for the bids! I will prepare special drop for all bidders and the winner 🥰🖤

Let's gooo

18 23