Hi I'm the lead developer for Chromatose, a VN-RPG about 10 comatose strangers trapped in their collective subconscious together with only 12 hours to escape. Emphasis on meaningful decisions and relationships.
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Hi We're and , the creators of a with 7 pursuable characters (both male and female) and over 20 possible endings!
We're currently also working on our next project! :)

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Howdy I'm Mads; I'm a writer/narrative designer who makes VNs about queer people and supernatural happenings.

✂️ Inverness Nights (2017)
☠ Catacomb Prince (soon)


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Howdy I'm Boniae, and I'm (primarily) a solo VN developer. I've released two games; "I want 2 be single" (2013), "Forget-Me-Not" (2014), and am currently working on my current VNs "Sagebrush" and "Akuma Rodeo".

My stuff can be reached at: https://t.co/ApTRXCEE7S

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Hello I'm working on a vn called Sinfonia featuring a bunch of rowdy boys, shoujo sparkle and a mysterious disappearance. I work solo and this is my first VN ever, but I'm super excited to work on it! ✨

🎼 First demo can be found from here https://t.co/9W1KkUGvUs

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Hey Me and my team are making DemiDato (), a fun monster dating VN with a sprinking of snark on the top. Releasing late 2018!

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Hi I'm Sarah, and currently working on an otome VN 'Pirate Princess' as the director, producer and programmer! I love coming up with stories and sharing them with the world ~

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Hi I'm Jen and my dream is to one day be a full time VN dev! I'm currently working on The Bare Escape and Red Wolf Hiding, but I've finished two VNs, Lucky Days and Fool's Helper. I like drawing shirtless guys haha;; Nice to meet y'all https://t.co/RgUvaNd38D

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Ok, since I see others doing it... Hello, I'm an artist and writer. My past projects include Lost Heroes, Divide, and 2 Minutes for Roughing. I'm working on a super big project with an apocalypse theme that I can't yet share details on. Sometimes I draw fish too.

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Hello, I write and produce VNs! I'm probably best known for otome games RE: Alistair++ and Backstage Pass, but I also do murder mysteries. I like puns, culinary pursuits, and writing huggable characters.

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