A dinosaur for Christmas, perhaps Santa should have gone with a herbivore...

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The wolverine, also referred to as the glutton, carcajou, skunk bear, or quickhatch, is stocky and muscular carnivore. The adult wolverine length usually ranging from 65 to 107 cm, a tail of 17 to 26 cm, and a weight of 5.

8 31

Nono Hana. You don’t get the vore. You get the mimir hold

7 50

One of the £35 sketch commission orders i had on my list. Just wanted to show you guys that I'm OK with doing soft/sfw themes like vore. Just nothing ott or extreme.

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CW: Vore.

More charr art?
More charr art.

Listen, the best way to be a guardian of the people is to put folks where they can't get hurt. This fella seems to get it.

Art by !

53 321

Here's one I had fun with, 5-Volt gaming with a particularly big belly. You can imagine it as whatever, though I was definitely going into this one with a stuffing angle rather than vore.

3 8

Amami oppure odiami,
entrambe le cose sono
a mio favore.
Se mi ami, io sarò
sempre nel tuo cuore.
Se mi odi, io sarò sempre
nella tua mente.
William Shakespeare
"Sogno di una
notte di mezza estate"

Aykud Aydogdu

12 18

boasic's may look scary, but is actually a friendly, gentle herbivore. 🐍🍎
... prrrrobably shouldnt dangle their treat for rolling over right next you your face, though. 😛

7 24

CW: Entrapment

Friends are stored in the pants. :>

Been wanting to draw the actual stuffing part of entrapment for a bit. Kinda like drawing the swallowing part of vore. It's a bit hard to do-

10 61

Abbi fiducia che ogni cosa nell'Universo stia lavorando in tuo favore.
Abbi fiducia di avere in te stesso il potere di creare miracoli.
Quando rifiuti di vivere nella
paura, riprendi il comando della tua vita e ogni cosa intorno a te cambia.

~ Mantra

8 22

I drew this picture on commission!
Herbivorous carnivore...

143 948

Outside of its locale shenanigans, I think Banbaro is a solid monster though I wish it was a higher-tier herbivore. https://t.co/imJTppO2ae

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2012. Comic inspired by an artist getting mad their adoptables were being used for vore.

3 20

Mi descansado embaixo de uma árvore.
Desculpa se eu errei as proporções, minha caneta caseira desintegrou é minha primeira caneta de verdade só chega mês que vem, então tive que fazer no dedo, espero que goste.

9 24


The wolverine, also referred to as the glutton, carcajou, skunk bear, or quickhatch, is stocky and muscular carnivore. The adult wolverine length usually ranging from 65 to 107 cm, a tail of 17 to 26 cm, and a weight of 5.

7 23

November 2021's release of VORE.

Featuring and with art by .

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