🩸New vs Old🩸

Refined my piece ‘Banu Haqim’

Available over on my RedBubble: https://t.co/fvNkYRwOoR ❤️


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❤️ Ghoul ❤️

I really liked how this came out for so I tidied it up!

My Tzimisce, Lily, very much enjoys her ghoul 😉


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1. Your OC

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Day 5: Sire & Childe - Harlow and her kinda sorta adopted Sire, Jesse Reed, the Regent of Denver's Chantry (much to the dismay of the rest of said Chantry, who don't want a stray fledgling underfoot)

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Dia 30 - Morte Final
Depois de anos sobrevivendo todo vampiro encontra a sua segunda morte

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Making of (at least the coloring part - https://t.co/1n3cJOXyCx)
Recently got to play VtM Bloodlines, and oh boy did I have some fun. Here's some fanart of my first toon, just in time for the spooky season's eve.

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Dia 28 - Príncipe
Nem todos precisam seguir a torre de marfim para governar

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Day 26 - Prince

Prince Delphine 💙 A beautiful Toreador, who is a big fan of high-end technology and turning her collection of staff into mindless robots to serve her every need ☺️ Her Toreador art form? Efficiency of her city!


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Vtmtober day 25 - Auspex

A scene from Vampire! At the Disco of 's sire being a bad french Malkavian with Dementation.

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My turn again for Day 24:

A kindred succumbing to pure survival instinct. I chose sunlight as the cause for this poor fella.

Not super happy with the end result. But eh. Moving on to day 28. 😂

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Day 22: Ventrue (antitribu)
I am back to creating character art for ‘Mallorca by Night’.
Bow to your Archbishop: Immanuel di Toledo!

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Day 20 for - Hunger

What's worse than having a Banu Haqim Bane that makes you wanna Diablerize all the time? Having baby teeth.

Someone give my thinblood some chompers.

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Dia 20 - Fome
A maldição de sempre estar com fome deve ser uma das piores nos primeiros dias de um recém abraçado

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Dia 18 - Gangrel
Carla a primogênita do clã Gangrel, a mulher que derrubou o Império da Consolação

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Loosely Inspired by mostly inspired by
I'm going to credit all of deviant art for the models and aspects.

"I bid you welcome to my Demesne, though, I have found you rude and inhospitable" -Ahzra the Unliving

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Dia 16 - Ministros
Após os tempos conturbados dos anos recentes os anarquistas encontram possíveis novos líderes que podem levar a organização a um novo patamar

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