Day 16 of today is the turn of a wonderful gamer and artist, of course I'm talking about the beautiful Froot💀🖤 @/LichVtuber

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Day 15 of have you seen this cat? Cause it's super awesome! Today doodle is for the amazing @ /Girl_Dm_ 🎮💕

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Day 14 of someone told me that there is a very cool cultist streaming on twitch, I think everyone should join his cult 😱

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Day 13 of Of course the lucky number goes to one of the most beautiful and talented frogs in the world! You all must know and love 🐸💕

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Happy Birthday to the most beauty and cool demon Demon Queen! 🥳🎂🎉
Day 11 of I dedicate this day to the amazing Ironmouse 😈💖

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Day 8 and 9 of my challenge It is an obligation that you know about these cuties! 🐹❣️🐹

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Day 7 of my challenge I could not stay without drawing the beautiful 🌸🐰✨

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Happy Birthday to the Nº1 Investigator! 🥳🎂🎉

I dedicate my sixth doodle of my challenge to Amelia Watson🔎💛

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Dat 4 of my challenge today it was the turn of my beautiful wife and amazing artist and vtuber 🐊🤍

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Day 2 of 365 of my challenge Today it was the turn of this charming superhero! 🌪️✨

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I am so excited to watch DnD stream on Saturday! So I had to draw them with a D20! Facing 20 of course for good luck! (=´∇`=) I usually main a cleric! What class do you play?

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