Thank you for joining our WAUriors Drawing Mashup Session! How would we look in a cyberpunk landscape? 😎😎😎
Draw your own versions in the tag !

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I’m back again for another episode of Wauriors’ Drawing Mashup Challenge! This week’s prompt is Fantasy so I drew a fallen knight Djinn/Uno with a cursed arm. The first image is the recorded version and the next is the revised/final version :)

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Thank you for joining our Drawing Mashup Session! How would we look if we're to be in a fantasy world? 🧙🏼‍♂️🧝🏼‍♀️✨
Draw your own versions in the tag !

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Alicia want to slingshot you !!

😂 Just kidding.

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Moon in Steampunk Wonderland

Oh no! It seems that Agent Moon is now in some kind of steampunk land! But what is a rabbit doing here? Wait a second... why does it look... familiar?


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Thank you for joining our Drawing Mashup Session! How would we look if we mix these steampunk technologies hmm? 🤔🤔🤔
Sounds interesting!
Draw your own versions in the tag !

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Yang bilang itu Dita ama San anda salah....
Itu Alicia ama Ali :D
Ceritanya lagi nyari reference seonghwa eh kok jadi san :')

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Virtual Idol can ah???
Virtual also 😂😂😂😂

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Just a doodle of zass as an idol

Also;yez, I have no fashion sense 🙃

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Thank you for joining our Drawing Mashup Session! Comment who you think would be the most suited to become an idol among us!
Draw your own versions in the tag !

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My contribution for this week's WAUriors' Drawing Mashup, Grownup Ejen Iman! First image is the recorded version, and the next image is the final/revised version :)

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Thank you for joining our Art Session! Did you enjoy watching the teenage version of Ejen Ali characters? Comment your fav part below! 👇🏻
Join us & draw your own versions in !

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Terima kasih kepada semua Ejen yang telah menyertai WAUriors Mashup Drawing Challenge! Hasil karya korang buatkan suasana Raya tu masih terasa lagi!

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🎆 Happy Aidilfitri Ejens! 🎆

Thank you for joining our Drawing Mashup Session! Comment below the parts you enjoyed most in the episode!

Join us and draw your Ejen Ali characters celebrating Aidilfitri and tag us with !

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🎆 Happy Aidilfitri Ejens! 🎆
Thanks for joining our Drawing Mashup Session! Comment the parts you enjoyed! 👇🏻
Join us & draw Ejen Ali characters celebrating Aidilfitri & tag us !

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