Buenos días por la mañana, felis Lunes y felis semana!! Hoy tengo que ir a ver que hay en el super (ains xD) y a organizar para este jueves, porque ya empiezan los problemas con las webs para webcomic... ¿Y vosotros? Una Valya chiquita para daros ánimos!

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logo...for a possible webcomic...about viking lesbians

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Procrastinated from webcomic by working on webcomic... So... Progress?

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daily draws

an attempt to draw the main character of the webcomic project that i'm currently working on

her name is elise

unfortunately, i stagnated alot of progress last month in creating the webcomic... but recently i have made considerable amount of work.

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Congrats on the milestone! 🌟Here's Alma and Reed (tall one) my favorite fluffy sweethearts.... and their Super Awkward first real chat in the webcomic... we have a long way to go folks 😅

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Another new oc for my webcomic... He still needs a name, aaah ;;

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[OC] BELHOLD! Ken and Richard finally have full art, please talk to me about them I adore my OCs (and might actually make them a webcomic...) 🦑💙

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I hadnt post these but hey... maybe this summer... webcomic... with

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Bueno, ando con malestares de la vacuna... así que aproveche para acomodar las luces de los dibujos de esta semana, voy a hacer el lineart de mi webcomic...si no muero :C.

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What do you think about these two characters? Recently, I'm thinking about creating a webcomic... So I've been really into OCs these past days. Sorry for so little eruri here lately 🥺 Still, I'm excited! I'm starting to like lineart but still have to practice...

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I can't very well make a Sci-Fi western Webcomic...without paying homage to a great Sci-Fi Western show.

Gotta love some

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Bom Dia, Boa Tarde e Boa Noite...
Estou finalmente de volta no projeto da minha webcomic, e junto com essa notícia, eu trago aqui a Capa e Título Oficiais da Webcomic... Assim que eu tiver novidades sobre o primeiro capítulo eu atualizo pra aqui!
Vlw rapazeada!!!

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Hey guys, little question real quick. If I decided to create, say, a webcomic... on the theme of Monster Hunter... Hypothetically. Would you enjoy it being in a style similar to this? Just curious, ofc.

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Dang people unsubscribing left and right from my webcomic... it's not finished, it's on hiatus! LOL 😂

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IF!! I make a webcomic... of this cat slime thing? who would really want to see it 🥺👉👈 (Action/fantasy theme)

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I do have some of these,

Folk Remedy (Current)
Taisho era (1910-20s), Fantasy Japan, Yokai, romance??? LGBTQ+


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Have you seen him in the webcomic....

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I've been practicing so hard and I think someday I may be ready to make a webcomic... Meanwhile I'm making mini spice pages for Patreon 😙

This panel has *a few more inches on the bottom* hehehehe

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