To the first ever batch of Art Challengers: THANK YOU FOR ENTERING!! Keep an eye on your inboxes next week to find out if you’re a finalist!

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“How can I make a difference?” It’s a question our heroes ask themselves every day but can’t always answer. One thing is certain: helping starts with asking.

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through comics in the classroom! We get students hyped about being themselves, fully and unapologetically:

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Meet us in the Lincoln Room at today at 12:00 PM and again at 4:00 PM, first for an in-depth talk on diversity and community in comics, then for a history lesson on unique approach to comics and education!

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is right around the corner, and the Team will be there with surprises! Stay tuned for our panel schedule tomorrow as we get ready to roll out to D.C. 🙌🏾 🙌🏿 🙌🏽

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Our heroes worlds' are colliding, but trouble isn't going to wait around for them all to get along! Issue 8 of is here with game-changing truces and catastrophes alike!

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The shadows of the past are catching up to our heroes. Get ready for tomorrow's issue of for a glimpse at Iris' origins:

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Tensions ran high between Iris and Chikara in Issue 7! Will these two powerhouses find a way to reconcile their differences? Stay tuned for the answer this Wednesday! 🔥

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Even the best made plans can lead to chaos! Sage learns this the hard way in Issue 7 of

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Dive into the UnCommons Universe in a whole new way! Discover bonus details through our Wiki on all the people, places, and things that make "weird enough!"

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Last time we saw our heroes, Delta City’s Grande Plaza was under attack! Can Iris and Influencer really save the day on their own? (Will they have to…?) Find out in issue 6 of

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Up next in series is content director and co-writer of Rasheed! He learned the most amazing thing about comics from this one professor...

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When you’re cool dancing to the best of your own drummer.

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It's finally Friday!! Congrats on making it to the weekend!

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New year, new site, same ole weirdos. Check out our revamped website today!

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