In Sagaing's Salingyi tsp, locals from PaineTaungGyi village & nearby villages have fled their homes as military council has been launching their offensive by using air & ground forces on PaingTaungGyi village since around 10 am on July 27

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Malaethar and Kaebar basic education high school students' unions (ABFSU) staged an anti-dictatorship demonstration on the 75th Myanmar Martyrs' Day, July 19.

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The protesters of "Our village searching for no savior" strike in Yinmarbin township took to the streets on July 15, to continue opposing the military rule.

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14 civilians' houses were burnt down by junta soldiers in Chuncung village located on Falam - Hakha Road in Hakha township, Chin State, on July 14 and 15.

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The protesters of the northern three villages strike in Yinmarbin township continued to march on the streets on the evening of July 14, to oppose the military regime.

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A small gif based on the short film, Stateless, concerning the political situation happening in my country
[ really recommend watching it ]

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We need to support PDFs in Sagaing Region. We need funds fast - as much as we can in three weeks. Please donate and retweet for me. I will draw portraits in exchange for $100 and above. Thank you. 💗

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Dear and ,

What do you think of the genocidal military dictatorship?We are struggling to survive between military dictatorship and Covid-19. We need organizations that love the truth.

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My drawing is not very neat, but it is for you,Mom.

Happy 76th Birthday Our Leader, Our Mom, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi🥳
May you be healthy and released as soon as possible, with the wishes of all the people

Freedom From Fear

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I've never celebrated her birthday like this 🥺💜 Happy Birthday to the one of the powerful women in the world.

Hey, I'm back. I had serious mental issue and other stuffs, so I took a break from twitter. I feel guilty thou...

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There are over 500+ CDM workers registered with our CRPH approved One to One CDM Campaign who had never received support. They are holding on despite so many hardships and we need donors urgently. Please follow the links below.

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SAC Terrorist Group cut off water supply, electricity and telephone/mobile lines in  

Urgent humanitarian assistance needed for 1000+ refugees.

. . .

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오늘은 군사 쿠데타 이후 100 일 넘었어요.100 일 만에 783 명이 부당하게 살해 당했고 4936 명이 체포되었습니다.또한 버마 사람들은 급격한 캬트 하락으로 인해 상품 가격 상승으로 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.미얀마에 국제 인도적 지원을 제공하기 위해 요청하고 싶습니다.

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Myanmar army is a joke. The tank entering its own compound destroyed the gate. 🤷‍♂️

What a bunch of losers.

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Ko Wai Moe Naing, a young politician and anti-coup activist from Monywa, was on his motorbike when Junta’s private car hit him He was abducted by Inhumane Junta Terrorists

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