I did A TON of art in 2018. I noticed my improvement is more subtle now, but I can still notice it. I particularly worked on commissions all year. Monochrome and my ink style filled my life~

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2016 was a slow art year, but an important one. It was around the time I drew the picture that someone pointed out I only paint with white light. Now I incorporate colour into my lighting, I've seen a huge improvement since then.

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2015 was a difficult year for me for various reasons. Near the end of the year however, I was given a calming reprieve and allowed myself to dive straight into my art again. It was a good year for fanart :P

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there are still some art pieces from 2014 that I would keep in my portfolio to this day. I think it was a good year for art :)

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While 2012 was a year of experimentation, 2013 was the year of definition. I was still experimenting, but was becoming comfortable in my methods. Also I had a lot of free time at home... so that helped haha

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2012 was a year of a lot of experimentation. It was the first time I sat and tried to digital paint my characters and learning environments as well as how to colour my lineart more. I improved quite quickly during this year..

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