4 cute widdle @/SpikeAllosaur emotes for their twitch channel!

You can check Spike out at !

14 67

you would ban widdle old me? on my birthday?

0 0

shit boy i have three days off
ill draw someone a thing for 20 dollars so that i can afford to take my mother to dinner tomorrow
(we're going to see my work child's production of mamma mia, and i she deserves a widdle treat)

heres some art examples
hmu if ur intawested

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But can you be mad at her tho she's just a widdle gal

3 32

Widdle Kitty and Currious but as plushies… one is smol and one is definitely cursed whoever holds it.

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Executioner Robe
"Death first… Sentence afterwards!"

Red Crown
"Now the Red Queen will give you options: The ax or the ax, and don’t twiddle your thumbs about it."

Queen Ax
"Off with your head!"

2 54

I love my widdle Meri I'll CRY

3 10

🔴 a widdle iddy biddy uwu stweam 🔴

6 170

i'm a sad widdle bich who gets annoyed easily but i do my best to be a cool bud.

1 21

He’s just a widdle guy

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My sweet widdle boy Tenameru from Cursed. Don't let his cute face fool you, he's at least a thousand years old. (What? It's rude to ask someone's age)

2 11

This is my dog. My baby. My widdle pile of cuteness. He's such a good boy. You better cherish this lil guy

0 4

Well hot dammmmmmmnn!

Totally getting some serious solid snake vibes from this wise widdled watchdog!

We always love seeing what the wondrous can design!

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Something widdle for my beautiful girlfriend and I (:

2 32

"Mweeoew! The Nekowenzymes seems wike a widdle oppwotunity tew test out some mew transifuragtion techniques"

From Surgeon to cat girl Fl00fy_Bonez breaks it down on the dance floor living in pure bliss! UwU

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